Monday, April 29, 2013

Hair Show with Travis Parker

Travis Parker came to town with the company One to give a little hair demonstration at Bloom Studios in Gilbert! He is a celebrity hair stylist that has worked on Hillary Clinton, Blink-182, Katie Couric and many other celebs hair! He use to own a small salon with 8 chairs but has become quite high profile and is now in a private studio by himself in San Diego! He has mucho knowledge and has many tricks up his sleeve when it comes to styling! He gave us a few lessons on a couple models with different types of hair and was pretty entertaining to watch! Usually these shows are put on by companies to promote their product so there was much selling going on! 
I met Tammy and Lisa there...they stayed about an hour and a half then they left to party for Lisa's birthday! They served us Subway lunch then continued on with the show! I saw a girl there I went to beauty school with (she was in the class right behind mine) and we talked after the show! We used some of the same product line but she couldnt get it anymore so I helped her out with that! 
Afterwards they gave us all a free curling iron wand! It was the main reason we all went anyways! haha Then the building manager gave me and a few other people a tour of the building! She had transformed it from business offices to a salon, spa, doctors, gym, cafe, boutique with lots of little businesses! She was trying to fill spaces and her salon..I like it a lot but no foot traffic comes through there and it would be a hard place to attract clients!
I ran home to see Kirk and then back to work!

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