Sunday, October 14, 2012

Vivint's End of the Year Party

Every October Vivint has an end of the year party! This year they did a carnival at the Spanish Fork Fairgrounds! Kirk's oldest brother Weston lives in Spanish Fork about 3 blocks from the fairgrounds so it worked out perfectly! We drove to Sedona on Thursday night and spent the night at his Uncle Bill's house! Then we woke up early and drove to Utah! It was way nice weather most of the drive so we had the windows open! Although, in Panguitch for some reason we hit a patch of rain and hail and the car slid a few yards while we drove..super scary!

But we made it to Weston and Amanda's house at dinner time! We got to see Abby and meet Britton for the first time! He was 6 months by the time we got to see him! We went out to dinner with Weston for Mexican food while the kids stayed home with Wendy (amanda's mom...amanda was at a sewing convention all weekend in Salt Lake City).
Friday night the managers and some reps and wives from Kirk's summer office went out to dinner at P.F. Changs...there was a meeting Friday afternoon that we missed :/ but we met them there to eat and hang out, it was good to see some of them we hadnt seen since the summer!

Saturday we just hung out and went to JDawgs! It was pretty crowded and its super popular in Utah! One day they'll probably be in Arizona too!

Finally in the early afternoon we got to the fairgrounds! There was a little mix up with the wristbands you needed to get in so Kirk got one with an 8 on it and i got one with a 4...that'll come in handy later!

We got a handful of tickets to get food, drinks, ride rides and play games! We saw one of Kirk's mission buddies and friends from the office! We played a game and won a Vivint bag and tried to play more to win the sweatpants and Nikes but the lines were SO LONG! So we got some hot chocolate and walked around! Weston and Abby even met up with us later (amanda's bro works for vivint and got them wristbands).
At 7pm they started the races...they had different levels of dirt bike races and also pig wrestling! These are all employees mind you!

They had the Nitro Cirus training group going down the giant ramp on skis, snowboards, bikes, scooters and even a trash can!

This was the worst part of the whole one on any level could get thru the tires! I thought it slowed down the race a ton!

 The fastest pig wrestling team did it in 4 seconds! They caught a pig and put it butt first into the barrel in 4 SECONDS! They won mini pit bikes!

Before the end they announced all the kids could come to the track and race! First 10 kids would get a prize...i dont think they expected the amount of kids that were there cause TONS of kids were running around! They ended up giving them all stress balls, it took forever to get them all off the track and even announced some lost kids and told parents to pick them up! haha

The very last race was 12 Rhinos that the regional managers drove. Each one had a number 1-12 and they drew names of 12 employees who would win them after the race was finished..the only problem was no one wanted them when it was all done! They were thrashed and broken! That was probably the best part of the whole show, they were crazy to watch! We then found out that the numbers on our wristband coincided with each Rhino and whatever place our Rhino got was the level of prize we got! Our office had number 4 and our Rhino was in like 10th place.....but remember Kirk had a number 8 and guess which Rhino won....NUMBER 8! He won a Rockwell watch that was way nice!

After the races they had a firework show and during that they threw out a bunch of orange tubes on the track! After the fireworks they said everyone could run out and find them cause they were full of money! Kirk found one with $10 but some dumb people went ahead of time and took handfuls of them and ran away! 
We then went back to the carnival to spend the rest of our tickets and rode the ferris wheel!

Sunday came and we packed up our stuff and drove home! We went by Lake Powell, then on to Flagstaff where we ate pizza hut then came home! It was a fun but quick trip and our sneak peak at cold weather!

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