Sunday, June 2, 2013

May 27-June 2

On the way to the airport we drove through downtown Alexandria and it was pretty different! Louisiana is twice as old as Arizona so some of their buildings are old and falling apart! We crossed the bridge to another city and it is SUPER green all over! 

This was an ooold church downtown 

When we got to the airport it was really small and totally empty! There wasnt even a person at the front desk to check in! We sat in the lobby for a while then someone finally showed up at security so people starting lining up! We gave each other a hug and tried not to make it a big deal! I walked over to security and put my shoes, purse and ticket in the bucket to go through the machine and all the sudden started tearing up! The guy asked for my ticket and with blurry eyes i said "umm I think I put it in the bucket" so he had to reach in, get it then he let me go through the metal detector! The man behind the machine noticed I was getting choked up so reached over and gave me a box of tissues! He said "its ok, things are going to get better", I grabbed my purse and shoes and started walking away! The security man told me "hey ma'am dont forget your purse" and handed it to me! It was trying so hard not to cry but I felt like everyone at my gate was looking at me! haha I must've really been sad to leave Kirk!

We left our futon at my parent's house so I slept on that in the craft room downstairs! 
The next morning Kirk and I sent good morning pics to eachother!

The next morning on my way to work I noticed 2 big cracks in my windshield and the next few weeks it grew and grew all across the window, even a third crack showed up! Yikes!

On Mondays to keep busy I painted my nails and watched the Bachelorette! On Tuesdays I watched Ready For Love! Sometimes Bif would join me :)

A few things Kirk saw while walking around the streets of Louisiana
This house he said was HUGE

 Parts of Louisiana have been effected by hurricanes and flooding! He saw this empty house that was smashed by a tree

Because southern Louisian is so swampy and full of water they have many bridges to get from place to place! This one was called Breaux Bridge

Over the few weeks I was home I grocery shopped for food storage items! I bought food we normally eat and bought lots of things that last a year a more in the pantry! Since we werent home I used our grocery money wisely to buy food and water!

Another pic for Kirk

I hung out with Molly one morning!

I swam with my family a couple time! 

Bif and Molly like to swim too!

My visiting teacher, Janette McMullin, brought me raspberry yogurt! I went back home a few times a week just to check on things! We have sticky pads on our kitchen floor to catch some roaches and when Alyn and I went home one afternoon there was a lizard stuck to it! He was still breathing and even though they freak me out I felt kind of bad! We just had to leave him there :/

 Kirk and I sent Sunday Funday pics to each other! Always keeping each other updated!
Since Ive been staying with my parents Ive gone to church with them a couple times!

 Later Sunday afternoon Kirk got some good Louisiana BBQ!

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