Sunday, September 30, 2012


Kirk and I started volunteering for things the first week we were in the ward! Our first sacrament there the Relief Society President was sitting behind us, tapped me on the shoulder and asked if one of us would sit with the family behind her because the sister was alone and her 4 kids were being rowdy. So I went back and sat between her kids but I dont think she liked it because she didnt look at me or say thank you when sacrament ended! Oh well! Pretty soon after that I got the calling of Visiting Teaching Supervisor over one of the groups/districts of about 10 or 12 girls. My mom also had that calling so she helped me out! I try to send out a newsletter at the beginning of each month and make calls, emails, and texts as reminders! The Relief Society and Bishop are big into Visiting Teaching and the important of watchcare of the sisters.
Within the first few months Kirk got the calling of Sunday School President which is pretty cool! The youth are starting a new curriculum January 2013 so he holds some meetings at our house with the teachers and his presidency! He gets to go to lots of meetings! We also get to sit in on a few different sunday school classes to make sure things are running smoothly and one of our favorites to sit in is the Marriage class. Its mostly for couple that are invited to attend by the bishop but I thing everyone should go through the lessons of this class! We always learn something good! Kirk's secretary that was just called recently in inactive and he's been attending church and Kirk's meetings so its really helping him!  We suspect we'll be in the ward about 2 years or so, so we'll get to serve a lot!

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