I woke up at 430 to get ready and my mom took me to the airport for my flight at 8am! When I got on the plane I sat between these 2 girls who were super nice! The lady on my left talked the WHOLE time! She told us stories, shared her magazines, talked about celebrities and told us she was happy to sit next to "two gorgeous girls" haha She was wonderfully distracting from my fear of flying! We landed in Houston, got off and said good bye! Then the other girl and I found our gate for our next flight! We got on, she saved me a seat and everyone sat and waited...and waited...and waited! Then the pilot told us our plane was having some issues so we need to switch to another plane! So we all got off, moved to another gate and waited like 30 mins to board again! We got one and the pilot said "were having problems with the bathroom" everyone was not happy but they did a quick fix, closed the bathroom for the flight and took off! So after a 2 hour layover we made it to New Orleans and I got to run into Kirk's arms! It was the happiest moment Ive had in a while! We got my bag and jumped in the car!

Driving from New Orleans to Lafayette was basically one loooong bridge! So much of southern Louisiana is swampy and under water, even the trees growing on the side of the highway look normal but are covered in vines and are sitting in water!
Going over the huge bridge leaving Baton Rouge!
Kirk had bought me a Subway sandwich so I ate that during our 2 hour trip to the hotel! Once we got there we hung out and enjoyed our time together!
A rain storm headed our way in the open fields of Louisiana
Since Louisiana is twice as old as Arizona there are a lot of older parts of town and run down houses/buildings, either from being old and vacant or some of the hurricanes have destroyed them.
We went over this HUGE steel bridge and through the middle of it was another steel bridge that was for a train!